Why Dubai is Perfect for Foodies.

Viral Kunafa Pistachio Dubai Chocolate Bar from Kadayifzade, Dubai Mall.

When people think of Dubai, they often picture towering skyscrapers, luxurious hotels, and a shopping scene that could make your wallet weep.

But for me, the real star of the city is its food. And I’m not just talking about the fine-dining, Michelin-star stuff (although that’s here too). I’m talking about the kind of food that makes you close your eyes with every bite, the kind that feels authentic, delicious, and, let’s be honest, a little unexpected.

Whether you're after something comforting or you want to explore flavours that’ll take you on a journey across cultures, Dubai’s food scene has it all. And after my Dubai Mall food tour on Thursday, I can confidently say this city is an absolute playground for food lovers.

Sushi Fountain, Kata, Dubai Mall

The Dubai Mall Munching Route:

Let’s dive straight into the highlights of my food tour at Dubai Mall with
Frying Pan Adventures. If you think the mall is all about luxury brands, fashion, aquariums & food courts you’re in for a surprise. It’s got some serious culinary gems hiding in plain sight.

We kicked things off with a bang, right down on the lower ground floor of the mall at a delightful little spot called Kadayifzade. With their Katmer, a crisp phyllo (filo) pastry stuffed with pistachios and clotted cream, all washed down with black tea. Let me tell you, that combination was like a little piece of heaven wrapped in buttery, flaky goodness. Who needs a croissant when you’ve got this Turkish delight?

Katmer by Kadayifzade

Next up, we ventured to Somewhere, which, despite the name, I’ll never forget. Their Batata Harra Fries (spiced crispy potatoes) and Beef Shawarma Beetroot Rice were a revelation. The tender beef paired with the earthy beetroot and creamy tahini was the perfect balance of comfort and flavour with a little Middle Eastern twist. It was one of those dishes you just can’t stop eating, even when you know you should.

But the showstopper of the day? Zheng Dong Dan Dan Noodles in Chinatown. These Sichuan-style Dan Dan noodles had just the right amount of spice to make your taste buds tingle without overwhelming you. Tossed in a sesame-soy-chilli sauce and topped with minced beef and bok choy, each bite was a little love letter from Sichuan province. Pair that with a fermented plum drink (yes, it’s as unique as it sounds), and you’ve got yourself a meal that’s anything but ordinary.

Exploring Dubai Through its Flavours

What I love about Dubai’s food scene is how it brings together the best of so many cultures. Whether you’re wandering through one of the city’s malls or discovering a tucked-away café in the older parts of town, there’s always something new to try. And you don’t need to empty your bank account to experience it either – though you’re likely here to enjoy a bit of luxury along the way.

If you’re a fan of local experiences, don’t miss out on places like Bu Qtair, where the seafood is as fresh as it gets, and the vibe is as laid-back as you could hope for. It’s a spot that’s loved by residents and tourists alike – the kind of place where you can sit outside, tuck into some grilled fish, and just watch the world go by.

And then there’s the sweet stuff. From Luqaimat (little fried dough balls drenched in date syrup) to Al Nassma’s camel milk chocolates, you’ll find unique flavours that feel distinctly Dubai. The chocolates, in particular, are a must-try – smooth, creamy, and just the right amount of indulgent without being too rich.

Camel Milk Chocolate from Al Nassma

Food for All Tastes… and Occasions

What really stood out to me during this tour was how Dubai’s food scene caters to those who want it all – a bit of indulgence when it’s deserved, without splurging at every turn. Some of the best meals I’ve had here are found in spots that focus on flavour over flash, offering an authentic taste of the city without compromising on quality.

That’s where The Holiday Mode comes in. We specialise in crafting bespoke itineraries that balance those luxurious experiences you’ve been dreaming of with the more grounded, authentic side of Dubai that’s equally worth exploring. Whether it’s dining at a chic new spot or discovering the real taste of the city in its most unassuming eateries, we’ve got you covered.

Because at the end of the day, you make the memories.

Frying Pan Adventures: The Dubai Mall Tour


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